どこでもベープGO! 未来 480時間セット ブルー 不快害虫用

- 薬剤の交換時期はどこでわかるのですか?
- ランプが点かなくなると交換です。電池と薬剤が同時に無くなるようになっていますので、新しい取替え用をご購入いただき、同封されている薬剤と電池を同時に交換してください。
- 薬剤部分のみの販売はありませんか?
- 専用のカートリッジと電池を同梱して、販売しております。
- 妊婦や乳幼児がいる部屋で使っても大丈夫ですか?
- ご使用いただけます。ただし、閉めきった部屋や狭い部屋で長時間使用する場合は、ときどき換気をしてください。
- ペットがいる部屋で使っても大丈夫ですか?
- ご使用いただけます。ただし、魚や昆虫に対しては影響がありますので、観賞魚や虫のいる部屋ではご使用は控えてください。また、閉めきった部屋や狭い部屋で長時間使用する場合は、ときどき換気をしてください。
- ベビーカーにつりさげて使用できますか?
- ご使用いただけますが、お子様がいたずらしたり口に入れたりしない場所に取り付けてお使い下さい。
- 「効力5倍」というのはどういうことですか?
- 初代どこでもベープNo.1と比較して、5個分の虫よけ効果があるということです。

03-3255-6400 -
- メールフォームはこちら
[PORTABLE VAPE] Dokodemo VAPE GO! Mirai 480 hours Set Blue For Unpleasant Insects
![[PORTABLE VAPE] Dokodemo VAPE GO! Mirai 480 hours Set Blue For Unpleasant Insects](https://fumakilla.jp/products/2016/07/2018_doko_mirai_blue.jpg)
Battery-operated insect repellent effective for both indoor & outdoor use with this one!
"Future" battery-operated, with a differentiated effect.
Target insect pests: chironomid, moth fly
Features of the product
●Effect widely enhanced!
With the power of the cartridge-type active ingredient with enhanced chemical impregnation and a fan that spreads the active ingredient efficiently, this product realized an effect equivalent to 5 battery-type products for outdoor use. (Compared with the first-generation Dokodemo VAPE No.1)
It provides about 98.5% of insect repellent effect even outdoors.
It provides about 98.5% of insect repellent effect even outdoors.
●Easily refilled and only one action required!
When the batteries run down, it is time to refill the active ingredient. So, only one refill action is required. In addition, the cartridge can be attached with just your one-touch action.
●Functional and stylish design!
It is downsized and can be carried easily. With the flat bottom side, it can be placed in a room. The air intake part has a stylish design with sharp stripes. Its bright and rich color is also an attractive point.
●Effect lasts for 480 hours*!
With the high-performance fan that efficiently spreads the active ingredient, its effect lasts for as long as 480 hours.
* When used for 8 hours a day
* When used for 8 hours a day
Product Video
Target insect pests
chironomid, moth fly
- How can I see the timing for refill?
- When the lamp goes out, it is time to refill. This product is designed such that the batteries and the active ingredient run out at the same time. Please buy a new refill package and set the batteries and cartridge in the package for refill at the same time.
- Do you sell an active ingredient cartridge as a single item?
- No, we sell a packaged set of the designated cartridge and batteries.
- Can we use it safely even in a room with a pregnant woman and infants?
- Yes, you can. However, when you use it for a long time in a closed room or a small room, please ventilate the room occasionally.
- Can we use it in a room with pets?
- Yes, you can. However, it may have an effect on fish and insects, and therefore, please do not use it in a room with aquarium fish and insects. In addition, when you use it for a long time in a closed room or a small room, please sometimes ventilate the room.
- Can I use it hung on a stroller?
- Yes, you can. However, please make sure to hang it in a position where your baby cannot reach it, e.g. where a baby cannot touch or lick it.
- What does the "5-times better effect" mean?
- It means that this product has an insect repellent effect equivalent to 5 sets of the first-generation Dokodemo VAPE No.1.
[PORTABLE VAPE] Dokodemo VAPE GO! Mirai 480 hours Set Blue For Unpleasant Insects
![[PORTABLE VAPE] Dokodemo VAPE GO! Mirai 480 hours Set Blue For Unpleasant Insects](https://fumakilla.jp/products/2016/07/2018_doko_mirai_blue.jpg)
适用害虫:摇蚊, 蛾蚋
提高了药剂含浸量的药剂盒和有效充分扩散药剂的风扇力量,实现了相当于5个室外用电池型驱虫器的效果。(与第一代Dokodemo VAPE No.1相比较)
摇蚊, 蛾蚋
- 怎么才能知道该更换药剂了呢?
- 指示灯熄灭,说明需要更换。电池和药剂会同时用完,所以请购买新的替换装,将包装内的药剂和电池一起更换上。
- 有没有单独药剂销售呢?
- 专用药剂盒和电池一起捆绑销售。
- 有孕妇或婴幼儿的房间也能使用吗?
- 可以使用。但如果在关闭的房间或狭小房间长时间使用时,请经常进行通风换气。
- 有宠物在的房间也能用吗?
- 可以使用。但本产品对鱼类及昆虫有影响,因此请避免在养有观赏鱼或昆虫的房间使用。另外,在关闭的房间或狭小房间长时间使用时,请经常进行通风换气。
- 可以挂在婴儿车上用吗?
- 可以使用。请放在儿童不会玩弄或放入口中的地方使用。
- “5倍效果”是什么意思呢?
- 与第一代Dokodemo VAPE No.1相比,具有达到5个第一代产品的驱虫效果。