猫まわれ右 びっくりスプレーセット

- 使い終わったスプレー缶を廃棄したいのですが、黄色いカバーが外れません。どうすればよいですか?
- スプレー缶の側面とカバーの隙間の奥までマイナスドライバーを差し込み、ケガをしないよう注意し、カバーの縁を広げるように持ち上げてください(画像参照)。この動作を缶を回して位置を変え、何箇所か同様に行ってください。バキッという音がしますが、黄色いカバーは取替用のスプレー缶にも付属していますので壊れてもかまいません。
- 電池はどれ位持ちますか?
- 約1ケ月くらいです。(反応が多い場合は2週間程度です。)
- 中身は危険なガスですか?植物にかかるとどうなりますか?
- LPガスです。近距離から直接植物にかかると冷害が出るおそれがあります。
- 何回スプレーできますか?
- 約50回スプレーできます。
- 取り付けや作動において不具合があります。対処方法はありますか?
- 症状別の対処方法を案内します。

03-3255-6400 -
- メールフォームはこちら
Neko Maware Migi Bikkuri Spray Set

Powerful injection with sensor keeps cats away!
Its 24-hour infrared sensor monitors cats! No more concern about cat problems.
Target: cats
Features of the product
●Automatic detection and powerful injection!
Just place it facing an area prone to cat problems, and the infrared sensor detects the movement of cats and automatically sprays the agent. The agent strongly stimulates the cats’ sense of hearing, vision and touch and frightens cats away. It has no unpleasant odor, and so it can be used in your garden with confidence.
* It will react with dogs, cats, and other pets when the agent is sprayed. If your pet(s) are in your garden or a nearby place, please be fully aware of where you are placing it.
* It will react with dogs, cats, and other pets when the agent is sprayed. If your pet(s) are in your garden or a nearby place, please be fully aware of where you are placing it.
●Temporary-stop mode adopted!
It has a temporary-stop mode: the sound of clapping of your hands when you pass this product stops the sensor from detecting something and spray injection for 3 minutes. The sensor is unlikely to react to ambient sounds such as car engine, etc. but does detect hand clapping, and there is no concern about malfunction. In addition, the temporary-stop mode has been modified (only to notify the start and end of the mode with sound) and so has realized use at night in a collective housing area.
●Drip-proof design: can be placed anywhere!
Resistant to rain and can be placed anywhere that cats appear, such as gardens and flowerbeds. It runs on batteries and no need of wiring. Also, an electric outlet is not necessary.
Product Video
- I want to dispose of this product, but I cannot remove the upper yellow part. How should I dispose of it?
- Insert a flathead screwdriver into the gap between the cap (upper yellow part) and the can under the cap and move the driver upward.
- How long do the batteries last?
- They last for about 1 month. (In the case that the spray is injected more frequently, it lasts for about 2 weeks.)
- Does it contain hazardous gas? What happens when it is applied to plants?
- It contains LP gas. It may kill plants when it is applied directly to them.
- How many times can it be sprayed?
- About 50 times.
Neko Maware Migi Bikkuri Spray Set

- 想要丢弃,但上面的黄色部分没法拆掉。应该怎么办呢?
- 请将一字螺丝刀插入盖子下面与罐子之间的缝隙,并试着向上撬动。
- 电池能用多久?
- 大约1个月左右。(反应多的话能用2周左右)
- 里面有危险的气体吗?沾到植物上会怎样呢?
- 是LP气体。植物沾到可能会枯萎。
- 能喷射几次呢?
- 大约可喷射50次。